Glean For Good: Thursday Night and Saturday Morning Gleans

Starting Thursday, July 5!

Gleaning season is about to begin and this year, Spokane Edible Tree Project will be hosting regular gleans on Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 and Saturday mornings from 9 or 10 until noon. We will also have occasional gleans scheduled ad hoc at other times during the week, but our hope is that having consistently scheduled volunteer gleaning opportunities will provide useful structure for our volunteers, our staff, and our tree owners.

We intend to start our regularly scheduled gleans the first week of July and run through the end of October. There will of course be some exceptions, as dictated by the fruit availability, the weather, and occasional other commitments. We’ve set up mailing lists especially for our Thursday night and Saturday morning gleans, where we will send out information each week, and will also be posting information on our Facebook page. You can sign up for the Thursday and Saturday mailing lists through the buttons below.